Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Harloz, been quite some time since I last posted... okay lar, not really that long, haha.

Few days ago, my GP teacher, surprisingly, gave me some food for thought. We were talking about what would you ask for if a genie were to grant you a wish. Well, knowing me, I asked for having the "Time to play all the games in the world", hahaha. Well, that fell into the "Immortality" category. Later someone asked for "Wisdom", and it was the answer Mr. Tong was awaiting as well. Goes to show how much he values wisdom. But exactly how valuable is wisdom to you? Or, what would you actually ask for?


What would you seek? I asked myself that question, over and over. It's been pretty interesting, understanding myself better, delving into the hidden recesses of my pith, and finding what is it I truly would want. Wealth, I'll say 90%-95% of the human population would desire that, although it doesn't truly matter to me (eh, but don't try to start asking me for free drinks hor). I also remember telling my friend, "Doesn't really matter where I go after I die lar, just die and then disappear lor... Leave and let be. Just do my part and leave lor." Something liddat la. Maybe it falls under "Satisfaction"? Probably. After all, "True happiness is satisfaction", it's something taught in Buddhism, and it's really true la (to me at least).

Okay okay, enough of such stuff. I know tomorrow is... I mean, today is Valentine's Day, so, enjoy your Valentine's Day and your chocolates! Haha. Also kena sabo-ed by my friend, sian sia. Somehow, his friend's friends are in TJC, and his friend knows that I happen to be in TJC as well (what an unfortunate coincidence), so she decided to ask my friend to ask me to pass some things to her friends in TJC. Best thing was, I don't even know who they are! Okay la, maybe remember one of them from my Orientation group, but the other one is completely don't know. Sian. Somemore tomorrow the classes are not aligned as usual, since it has to be Valentine's Day a.k.a. Friendship Day for JCs. Tough luck. Oh well.

Anyway, enjoy your Valentine's Day, and here's a song about love. Hope you enjoy! EmoCean by Lunatica, album The Edge Of Infinity. Melodic/Symphonic metal by the way.

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